Retrieve Organization's info

This endpoint allows you to get information about an organization.

This endpoint requiresorganizations_r scope. Availability of offices requires offices_r or offices_rw scope and setting the query parameter offices to true. Availability of images requires images_r scope and setting the query parameter images to true. Availability of videos requires videos_r scope and setting the query parameter videos to true.


Path Parameters




Organization reference

Query Parameters




Returns offices field



Returns websites linked to this organization

  "reference" : "aEioU123",
  "name" : "Welcome To The Jungle",
  "media_twitter" : "wttj_fr",
  "media_website_url" : "",
  "description" : "Welcome To The Jungle",
      "name" : "Welcome To The Jungle Czech Republic and Slovakia",
      "slug" : "wttj-cz","
      "reference" : "I-3801-A68"
  "slug" : "welcome-to-the-jungle",
  "logo_url" : "https://cdn-images.wttj.test/GOHJaRNP0GybemayTPLz3CUIpW2kx7d4Ck4akgsFfMs/w:200/q:85/czM6Ly93dHRqLXB1/YmxpYy10ZXN0L3Vw/bG9hZHMvb3JnYW5p/emF0aW9uL2xvZ28v/MjE4Mi8xNjIxODYv/ZjRmODUxNDgtYjg1/Yy00M2M5LTg2MzQt/MmMzYzE1ZTE3MTNi/LnBuZw",
  "sectors":["public-key-didactic-pricing-structure", "multi-layered-content-based-website"],
  "default_language" : "fr",
  "media_facebook" : "",
  "media_linkedin" : "wttj-fr",
  "media_instagram" : "welcometothejungle_fr",
  "media_youtube" : "welcomejobs",
  "revenue" : "(confidential)",
  "cover_url" : "https://wk.test/uploads/website_organization/cover/2182/162186/welcome-to-the-jungle.jpg",
      "en" : "Provident aspernatur ratione ipsum tempore. Quasi nisi ratione provident aut corporis non voluptatem. Recusandae voluptatem dolor laboriosam qui nulla inventore. Repellendus explicabo et voluptas accusamus aut sint quis.",
      "fr" : "Rerum recusandae repudiandae assumenda possimus esse eligendi. In non ut aliquam perferendis. Cupiditate non ex quos laborum ea ut omnis natus."
      "en" : "Est dolorem inventore asperiores impedit reiciendis eos. Reprehenderit reiciendis ipsam vel sint aut quod inventore. Dolores minus sit est voluptates voluptatem amet ut possimus. Illo voluptatem rerum omnis dolores qui.",
      "fr" : "Distinctio incidunt quia dignissimos culpa velit cupiditate quibusdam nihil. Nisi reprehenderit mollitia quia incidunt. Minus quisquam impedit dolor sapiente voluptate temporibus."
      "fr" : "Vitae sit libero quis optio maiores et doloribus. Voluptas a nesciunt odio aut quo. Reiciendis et sint eum laboriosam labore omnis. Velit saepe autem reiciendis libero quia occaecati quia."
  "websites" : [
      "reference" : "wttj_fr",
      "name" :"Welcome To The Jungle",
      "root_url" : ""
     "name" : "WTTJ HQ",
     "address" : "15 rue Commines",
     "zip_code" : "75003",
     "city" : "Paris",
     "country_code" : "FR",
  "updated_at" : "2021-05-24T15:16:22.219+02:00"
curl -X GET -G "" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer WK_API_KEY" \
    -d "offices=true"

Last updated