Update a job status

This endpoint allows you to update a job status.

This endpoint requires jobs_rw scope.

update job status

PUT https://www.welcomekit.co/api/v1/external/jobs/:reference/update_status

The default status for a job offer is β€œdraft”. In order to see it live, you will need to publish it. Summary: β€’ draft: private job offer (still visible on main view of the dashboard) β€’ published: public job offer visible on all cms_sites_references β€’ archived: private job offer (visible from archived jobs only)

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

  "name" : "Fake Job",
  "external_reference" : "PROVIDER_REFERENCE1",
  "organization_reference" : "Pg4eV6k",
  "status" : "published",
  "profile" : "Fake Job Profile",
  "apply_url" : "http://company.com/jobs/superjob/apply/",
  "company_description" : "Fake Company Description.",
  "contract_duration_min" : null,
  "experience_level" : "1_TO_2_YEARS",
  "department_id" : null,
  "profession_reference" : "sales",
  "cms_sites_references" : "wttj_fr,smgo_fr",
  "contract_duration_max" : null,
  "start_date" : "2016-09-01T00:00:00.000+02:00",
  "description" : "Fake Job Description.",
  "contract_type" : "FULL_TIME",
  "language": "en",
  "salary": {
    "min": "30000",
    "max": "40000",
    "currency": "EUR",
    "period": "yearly"
  "remote" : "punctual",
  "office_id" : 196,
  "reference" : "WTTJ_gld0A7L",
  "education_level" : "BAC_5",
  "created_at" : "2017-11-13T17:15:26.146+01:00",
  "updated_at" : "2017-11-13T17:15:26.146+01:00",
  "published_at" : "2017-11-13T17:15:26.146+01:00",
  "archived_at" : null

Request example

curl -X PUT "https://www.welcomekit.co/api/v1/external/jobs/:reference/update_status" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer WK_API_KEY" \
    -d @- <<EOF
  "status": "published"

Last updated